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On Stoney Jack's Secret London

Daniel Korn - VP Programming, Head of History, CI & H2, A+E Networks.

A wonderful initiative and story – the legend of the Cheapside Hoard is a compelling one, and the idea of hanging a whole show devoted to “Stoney Jack”, as a means of uncovering the secrets and sights of Edwardian London, is inspired.  It will be a wonderful spectacle for the new “pop-up” dome theatre space.

Tom Day -

"City Quest games is a fantastic idea, a bang up-to-date way of engaging people in London's heritage and attractions. It is the kind of thing our editorial team on could showcase.  We have 2.5 million unique users per month and almost 500,000 on Facebook, more on Twitter!” 

On Mission 1545

Noah Falstein  - former Chief Game Designer, GOOGLE 


“Much of my initial exposure to World Geography, History, and especially European locales started with my teenage interest in games, movies, books, and other entertainment sources.  I'm pleased to see City Quest is blending intelligent, accurate historical information with interactive entertainment in applying 21st century learning techniques to 16th century London”.


Andrea Phillips  - Transmedia Writer


"The City Quest game concept has a truly rich, intricate story behind it, which is the most crucial element for attracting an audience. There are lots of virtual worlds out there, but precious few give you anything to do once you're there. Great content crosses all barriers, and City Quests is promising to deliver just that kind of compelling content".


JARON LANIER   Inventor of Virtual Reality 


“My favourite application is where you could walk through a city and grab a virtual dial and turn back history so you can see what it would have been like in different historical periods. If done well it could be incredibly provocative and give you a much more grounded feeling for history.”     The Times Oct 2014











































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